Representing Global Standards for Higher Education
Our main difference from all other accrediting agencies:
ACESSU™ - Accreditation Council for Educational Standards of Schools and Universities™ is not for profit independent accrediting agency and the leader in Regional, National and Global Educational accreditations that is bringing together National and International Standards for Higher Education. Always accrediting strictly on merits...
Accreditation Council for Educational Standards of Schools and Universities™ is proud to announce that no collected funds ever used for the benefits of any individual or entity. All collected proceeds are used only for educational activities, advancement of education, and improvement of the quality and accessibility of education around the World.
ACESSU is the modern leader in regional, national and global
educational accreditations establishing standards for higher
education quality and delivering new educational advancements.
We are providers of Accreditations for the Institutions of Higher Education:
Accreditation Council for Educational Standards of Schools and Universities (ACESSU) is the provider of regional (USA), national (USA) and global (International level) accreditations for the institutions of higher education represented by schools, colleges and universities in the United States and on the International (worldwide) level.
We are providers of institutional accreditations (entire school, college or university) and separate programs (programmatic) accreditations.
ACESSU is the provider of affordable accreditations for the educational institutions and educational programs of of any size, on local, regional and international levels.
Our accreditations and recognitions performed for the advancement and recognition of qualified educational institutions on worldwide level.
Our goal is to provide for the institutions of higher education
affordable means for professional accreditations.
ACESSU accreditations and institutional recognitions intended for schools, colleges and universities offering educational programs on associate, baccalaureate, master’s, and doctoral degrees' levels.
We are not bounded by the local geographical locations and our services are offered on regional, national and international levels.
We are providers of Accreditations for the Professional and Trade Schools:
Accreditation Council for Educational Standards of Schools and Universities (ACESSU) is the provider of regional (USA), national (USA) and global (International level) accreditations for the Professional and Trade Schools offering educational services in the United States and on the International (worldwide) level.
We are providers of institutional accreditations (entire school) and separate programs (programmatic) accreditations.
We are providers of Recognitions
Recognitions can apply for
the already accredited institutions as additional assurance and recognition level establishing public
confidence in educational institution.
Membership Association for Educational Institutions
Accreditation Council for Educational Standards of Schools and Universities (ACESSU) is uniting Educational Institutions in the form of educational alliance where all institutional members are striving for the improvement of the quality of education.
Membership Association for Professionals
Council for Educational Standards of Schools and Universities (ACESSU)
uniting professionals in the form of educational alliance.
Membership Association for Students
Accreditation Council for Educational Standards of Schools and
Universities (ACESSU) is
uniting students of educational institutions in the form of common
membership alliance.
See also page “Accreditations in the United States” ->
See also page “The United States Department of Education” ->
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